Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

We had a quiet Easter this year (no egg hiding or Bunny visits), so I decided to keep the table centerpiece just as simple.

I made two simple cake stands out of tin cans and old cake pans.  I got the idea from here and just deconstructed it a bit.

Then I topped them with egg cups and mini terracotta pots (that I painted white) filled with eggs straight out of the refrigerator.

I also used a overturned spring form pan to elevate a white pitcher full of flowers from my yard in front of driftwood from the Oregon coast.

Tea pots are topped with craft paper eggs that I picked up at the craft store for $1.50 each!

Hope you get to spend some time with family!
Happy Easter everyone!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fender turns FIVE!

Today my little boy, born a month too early, weighing only 4 pounds 13 ounces, will turn FIVE!  It always feels like time is slipping away when I look at him, but it also helps me stop, focus on him, and take in every little one of his nuances while I can. 

As I walk down memory lane, I wanted to share some of my favorite birthday party moments with Fender throughout the years...

Year 1:  Fender's First Cake 

I got a thumbs up for this one!

A banana cake made into a monkey head.  He got to eat one of the ears!

Year 2: Thumb Worthy

You knew things were good when a gift was "thumb worthy!"

I did the monkey thing again since they were his favorite, but this time went with cupcakes!

Year 3: He's getting so big!

This was the photo of the year!  My aC took this one of Fender blowing a dandelion fluff while playing tag at his party.  My hubby and I edited out the neighbor's house in the backyard and voila!  One of our favorite photos!

This was the year of Lightening McQueen. 
We made our own pinata...
...and I did a Lightening McQueen cake mold cake and swore I'd never do this again!

Year 4:  Fender's first bike!

He had been riding a trike for years and was very excited to get his first bike (with training wheels of course!)

I did an ice cream shop theme this year and Fender had fun with all of the sprinkles!

And while we're at it, let's just add a few more photos to embarrass the kid when he turns 18...