Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pickling Adventure

My dream has come true!  My garden sprang forth with enough cucumbers to make pickles!  First off...I had no idea that pickles were made from a specific type of cucumber!  I have never seen them in the produce section, nor at any of the farmers' markets or veggie stands I visit!  But I thought that I would give it a try with what we grew and see how they turned out!

I found a few recipes for refrigerator pickles that sounded fun, but I wanted to can them to keep for the rest of the year.  Using two recipes as a guideline, I winged what I thought would taste good (and used what I had in the pantry).  Here's the recipe I put together (for a VERY small batch - I didn't want to make a ton if they didn't turn out!).  This recipe yeilds (4) 12 oz jars.

I didn't add in the recipe all of the rules for safe canning. You can find info on how to do that here. These tasted so delicious I'd like to try pickling other veggies such as asparagus, carrots, and cauliflower! 


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