Friday, July 22, 2011

Nona Luna

Giada De Laurentis is one of my favorite food personalities.  I think she is just so cute and I adore her kitchen!!!  So of course any chance I can get I try to catch "Giada at Home" her Food Network show.  Besides coveting her fruit basket (which since the tv show aired went from being a $75 item to $125 due to its popularity!) I also enjoy trying out her recipes.  Her grandmother, endearingly called Nona Luna, wrote down many of her recipes while she was travelling and cooking all around the world.  Capellini al Forno looked absolutely delicious so I had to try it out...and it was!  I changed up the recipe by switching out the smoked mozzarella for regular (since it's not dC's favorite) and added quite a bit less salt.  The recipe calls for 1T, but since there was so much cheese and prosciutto I thought a sprinkling was quite enough!

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