Sunday, August 7, 2011

Painted Kitchen

So I have been working on a budget remodel of my kitchen, first starting with new plates (We're retiring our wedding dishes after nearly 7 years) and then a little paint job.  Nothing much, since our house was built in 1928 and needed a major remodel when we first moved in (3 foot counters, bathroom size sink, and no dishwasher just wasn't going to work for me!). 

I love white!  dC and I searched everywhere for new dishes and were coming up with nothing...until we found these.  Then since our entire kitchen was white, I was feeling a bit of an overload and needed some color.  I love the green color Martha Stewart uses on her's kind of a sea green.  But I ultimate fell in love with the back cover color on this book.  We took it in to Home Depot, scanned it, and came home with a bucket of paint. 

bright new color and much more organized!
less clutter for my cake stand collection

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