Monday, January 2, 2012

Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

Wintertime in Washington is mostly drizzly, and cold.  When I saw this on pinterest, I knew that it would be a fun project to do with Fender and mC to brighten the day from grey to rainbow.  They had a blast.  All you have to do is hot glue crayons (I used three boxes of 24) across a poster board ($1 at the dollar store) and then heat them up until they melt and run down the page!

We started with a hair dryer and realized the nozzle was too wide - the melted wax was splattering.  So I quickly switched to my embossing gun which has a more direct spot of heat.

It was a bit too "hot" of a project for Fender so he mostly handed me the crayons so that I could glue them on!  The best part is dC's idea to hang it upside down on Fender's wall.  Love that!

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