Sunday, October 20, 2013

It's Sew Sunday - A Pillow for All Seasons

Recently we added an old wooden chair to our front porch and I really wanted to add a pillow to the chair to cover up some of its less than desirable spots.  But if I was going to make a pillow for Fall, I didn't want to then turn around and make a pillow for Winter, so I decided to make one for both occasions.

So I made this cute reversible pillow that we can just flip over when the time comes to decorate the porch for Christmas!

Here's how I did it...

First, I cut some left over linen from the stockings I'm making for Christmas (I'll show you those when I'm all done!) into two rectangulars.  You can make your pillow any shape you want at this point!

With my favorite font, I printed out the word "harvest" and traced it onto freezer paper.  Oh freezer paper, how I love thee, let me count  the ways!

I cut out the stencil and heat sealed it to the linen with an iron on medium heat, and then painted in the stencil with brown fabric paint.  This is one of my favorite ways to transform fabric.  Check out other projects here, here and here.

While the harvest fabric was drying, I repeated the whole process with "jingle" and red fabric paint.

After both sides were dry, I slowly peeled off the stencil, pinned right sides together and sewed almost completely around the perimeter of the rectangles leaving a scant 4 inch hole on the bottom middle edge.

Then I trimmed the corners, turned it right side out, and filled the pillow with fiber fill.  Once it was stuffed to the brim, I sewed the 4 inch hole closed and patted the filling around until it looked smooth!



There you have it!  I love how it looks on our chair and can't wait to decorate around it at Christmas time!

Happy Sewing!

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